Discovering the infinitely large to the infinitely small

I am pleased to welcome you on my website. I invite you to discover it as you visit an art gallery or as we leaf through a good book, and at the same time, opening your mind to the discovery of a world where science and art make one.

For over 20 years, I have been painting what fascinates me, the infinitely small and the infinitely great. I want to transmit what I have learned as well as communicate my interest in science and awake in everyone the desire to live through his passions, therefore moving towards a state of transcendence.

André Malraux wrote that "l’art est le plus court chemin de l’homme à l’homme (art is the shortest path from man to man)", so here are my first steps towards you, hoping they create a feel good space for meeting and contemplation.

Art has this ability to touch our souls and inspire us to a point beyond the canvas itself, in that way giving everyone the opportunity to make his life a real masterpiece.

Enjoy your visit,


  • “Each painting is indeed a pictorial territory that demands a pause, that we look at it from a distance and then closer, and in the end that we accept to get lost in the maze of thousand pigments spread on the canvas.”

    John R. Porter

  • «Chaque tableau constitue en effet un territoire pictural qui demande qu’on s’y arrête, qu’on le regarde à distance et de plus près, et qu’au final on accepte de se perdre dans les mille méandres des pigments étalés sur la toile.»

    John R. Porter

  • “The universe is more “abstract” than we think and “abstract” painters are less so than what is said about them.”

    Jean Guichard-Meili, 1960

  • «L’univers est plus «abstrait» qu’on ne le croit et les peintres» abstraits» le sont moins qu’on ne le dit.»

    Jean Guichard-Meili, 1960

  • «Le dualisme dans la représentation visuelle est pour moi le reflet de la dualité présente dans la nature et dans la condition humaine. Le travail d’Éric Dupont s’inscrit tout à fait dans la volonté de célébrer la dualité entre la science et l’art. L’artiste vise à transcrire en image son insatiable passion pour le monde scientifique et la nature. En ce sens, nos motivations créatrices se rapprochent.»

    Dre Janick Laberge, MD, Bacc. et Maîtrise ès arts visuels.

  • “Dualism in visual representation is for me the reflection of nature’s and human condition’s duality. Éric Dupont’s work perfectly pairs up with the desire to celebrate the duality between science and art. The artist aims at an image transcription of his unsatisfiable passion for the world of science and nature. In that sens, our creative motivations are alike.”

    Dr Janick Laberge, MD, Bacc. and Master degree in visual arts.

  • “The work of Eric Dupont, which gives free rein to art through a vision influenced equally by the two hemispheres of his brain, is surprising. One feels in his works some influence of the great Quebec’s painters of the 50s and 60s, but that would pass over his intelligent approach, completely different, which allows us to grasp how from science can emerge beauty.”

    Alexandre Taillefer

  • «Le travail d'Éric Dupont, qui laisse libre cours à l'art à travers une vision influencée à parts égales par les deux hémisphères de son cerveau, a de quoi surprendre. On ressent dans ses œuvres une influence certaine des grands peintres québécois des années 50 et 60, mais ce serait passer sous silence sa démarche intelligente, complètement différente, qui nous permet de saisir à quel point de la science peut naître la beauté.»

    Alexandre Taillefer

  • ...«l'un des motifs les plus puissants qui ont conduit l'homme vers l'art et les sciences était celui d'échapper au quotidien.»

    Albert Einstein

  • ...«l'un des motifs les plus puissants qui ont conduit l'homme vers l'art et les sciences était celui d'échapper au quotidien. (One of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is the will to escape from everyday life)»

    Albert Einstein

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At the crossroads
of art and science

Through his paintings, we see Éric Dupont search for and find himself in both the micro and the macro. Beyond certain dependencies or affiliations, his production deserves the credit for authenticity. It is the sign of the discovery of a part of self and a quest for what eludes us in the universe.

Each painting constitutes indeed a pictorial territory that requires attention, demanding to be observed both from a distance and closer, and that in the end commands that we agree to get lost in the meandering miles of the pigments spread on the canvas.  > More