Discovering the infinitely small

Infinitely small : An invisible Universe to the naked eye, characterized by its structures and textures, straight out of a fantasy world. Eric Dupont presents the series Cells, Neurons and Origin.

The microscopic world is very large and consists of an heterogeneous plurality of microorganisms from all spheres of living and non-living: animal, human, mineral, vegetable, etc. From the perspective of the structure or genealogy, the only common feature of these microorganisms transcends the inability to capture them in a natural way because they are invisible to the naked eye. Under the microscope, appearing from the void, an unimaginable universe shows itself to its observer. A dark world with beautiful textures where countless creatures worthy of fantastic tales abound. A space where the art of seeing is science!

Eric invites you to explore the infinitely small through a crazy adventure to the heart of human matter. His paintings are grouped into three series: The « Cell » series, the « Origin » series and the « Neurons » series.

Infinitely small / Eternal Evolution series – DNA and RNA : Each of the paintings in this series by itself represents 20 years of Eric Dupont’s career. Find out how he managed to breathe this artistic legacy into his works.

Dr. Eric Dupont tries in his own way, with the amplitude of his scientific knowledge and imagination, and this being since the creation of his first series, to explain the history of the world from its beginning. This time, for his new serie Eternal Evolution, Dr. Eric Dupont represents DNA and RNA structures containing the entirety of the genetic information responsible for the fabulous diversity of life.

A canvas, 20 years of history

For his last collection, Eternal Evolution, the painter reinvented himself by reusing paintings he created during the last twenty years. Therefore, he cut strips of his works in order to paste them on new paintings, recovering the soul of each of his creations. In addition to presenting an illustrated retrospective of his career, each work is revealed as a new DNA or RNA structure. The result, combining past and present, carries the legacy of a long artistic research process.